Concert C - GCEA - high G
Artno: 479561
Nylgut is the most famous synthetic material developed by Aquila to replicate the tonal qualities and feel of natural gut strings, which were historically used on many string instruments before the advent of nylon.
Nylgut is made from a proprietary blend of synthetic materials designed to mimic the density and elasticity of gut. The exact composition is a closely guarded secret of Aquila.
This new material has made the fame of Aquila's strings which became the standard for modern ukulele. These New Nylgut strings are renowned for their:
Just like gut, the New Nylgut® is liable to suffer from cutting edges. Before stringing the instrument do make sure the nut and bridge are free from sharp edges and the nut grooves not too deep and perfectly smooth. You can get rid of sharp edges with very fine grit sandpaper (600, for example) or the finest steelwool (000).
The best sound quality develops when the strings have completely set, which may ordinarily take sometime. To achieve a stable intonation in just a few minutes you can repeatedly pinch each string at midlength with your fingers, pull it decidedly sideways and tune it up again. Stop when the string does not pull out of tune anymore.
• Model: Concerto
• Tuning: GCEA
• String Set: High G
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